How often do you see IT based projects overun, often where there is the maximum amount of project management applied. These projects are set up to fail from day 1 as the plan and dates become anchors and followed religeosly as the project just 'goes through the motions' to being 80% complete and totally wrong, only to require major rework, and often completely doing again. Many think in the industry we are over this behaviour. The sad truth is that many aren't. The organisations often feel comfortable saying we have SAFE, PRINCE 2 all in place. They have their CABS, their PMOs their reporting. The one thing they don't have is a robust company wide delivery function, to deliver what is required in an iterative joined up way to deliver the value.
We believe in adequate discovery before really commiting to initiatives, but we also understand that we need - do, learn and adapt as we progress a new feature or service. Many organisations do not understand the balance and judgement required to make sure a vission is in place and that a clear MVP proposition is distilled from it and acted on. Many also do not lay out the whole SDLC in full as expected with all the stages of a succesful delivery to release value. We help your organisation overcome these difficulties, so that delivery is a company wide collaborative successful venture.
Sometimes in real life, delivery is going wrong, it can be caused by a multitude of reasons, lack of adequate requirements, lack of specialised delivery, siloed operations, lack of test and QA, the list is endless. However, we have a wealth of experience in helping management teams understand what is really going wrong and what needs to be done to correct things. Then we can manage those corrections and changes to make sure a project comes back on track and to deliver it fully.
We add significant value by concetrating in certain areas: